So as it has been of late, the kids were up before the sun came up. Normally, the routine is jump out of bed, tell them quietly to go back to bed until the sun rises, and then back to sleep for me (or Christine, whoever gets up with them). This morning, the girls were up at 5:50 a.m. I had planned on getting up at 6:15 to run, so I was starting to wake up at this time anyways. I told them to get back to bed, and at 6:15 they were back in the room. Needless to say, their brother was not too far behind them :-). They were up for good this time, and Christine turned the TV on for them while I was out running and it was back to sleep for her.
Fast forward, I am leaving for work (Christine has a pounding headache) and the kids are still watching TV. She manages to fall back to sleep and the kids manage to quietly (which is a new thing for them, nothing ever used to be quite) slip out of the bedroom and headed downstairs. At 8:30 ish, Christine's dad was over (working on remodeling the kitchen, long story) and he found the kids in the dining room eating bananas and vitamins. How 3 2.5 year olds managed to open a vitamin bottle that is supposed to be child proof is beyond me! Christine called the doctor and everything is OK, they were concerned about iron intake, but luckily for us, the L'il Critters Gummy Vites do not contain any iron, phew!
Cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings!